Monday, March 29, 2010

After The Parade

After Zulu and Rex had gone by – the finale were the truck krewes.

These were big transport trucks where companies, families, friends or whoever – had created their own floats and were throwing anything and everything. The line of trucks seemed to go on for over an hour and the amount of ‘throw's’ coming from them were just incredible. Seems like everyone wants to be in a parade!



Of course after a parade – there is always what’s left. I was stunned by the amount of garbage.  I asked an officer,  ‘Who cleaned it up?’ and I was told that they had a huge crew who probably had already started and continued through the night. He said that by 5am you would never know there had been a parade.


Then of course there were the winners. I saw people wheeling suitcases of beads down the street with happy grins on their faces.




There is that legend that New Orleans is sinking because of all the beads in the attics.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fat Tuesday Parade

THE parade to be at is what we all think of when we think of Mardi Gras. Even though it goes on for weeks – what happens on Fat Tuesday is what everyone thinks of.

The Man and I went back to the same place we had stood at when we watched the parade at night. It had good vantage points and not too many people could get in the space – so I was okay with that.

Zulu and Rex were the Krewes that were parading that day.

(please click on pics for a more detailed view)






There were an incredible amount of bands!                 




And then there was his Majesty Rex. King of the Carnival!



Thursday, March 18, 2010

One of the Many Night-time Parades

The first parade we took in started around 6pm and continued until well after 11pm. The weather was cold and there was a damp strong wind that chilled us to the bone.

Still – the people stayed and begged for ‘throws’ and clapped wildly. I felt sorry for the marching bands with the girls in their tiny outfits. They looked totally frozen but still determined for their time in the spotlight as they marched down the ‘very’ long parade route.

Unfortunately – The Man either had a bead with a sharp edge hit his eye or he had someone’s fingernail scratch it and he was in considerable pain with it for a number of days. Catching beads can be a dangerous business!

It was my first parade and I had a blast! (please click on pics for better detail)










Isn’t amazing how much work people put into this?


While others didn’t!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Other Reasons to Visit New Orleans

Most of you know that The Man and I are big basketball fans. Our team is of course the New Orleans Hornets.


In the Mardi Gras Parade. I think I went hoarse cheering for the float!




Here’s a look at center court.



And the view from where we sat.



Some of the action in one of the 5 games we attended in the two weeks we were there.



And last but certainly not least – our favourite player – Chris Paul.

Although Chris is out with injuries – he still attends every game and gets into the action with his opinions. Chris is considered one of the best point guards there are and his efforts to help New Orleans are phenomenal. Here is one athlete who gives back!



Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am Overwhelmed Today

Have you ever wakened from a dream of your past that is so real that you look about your house and don't recognize it?

Last night has completely thrown me. I dreamed of the beater and no matter how many times I awoke I went right back to dreaming of him again. Even after two cups of coffee I feel I am still wandering about in that rather hazy land - working at the bar and serving drinks - wondering if I should go with him if he asks and wondering if he will ask!

It's not the first time I've dreamed of him nor do I expect it to be the last. For the first 15 years after I ran from the relationship, I dreamed about the beatings and his smooth way that lead up to them. Those dreams happened nearly every single night. Now I'm just grateful that they only happen occasionally. I wish there was a big hole where I could throw all my memories and cover them up and not have them haunt me so. I know that hole is The Wailings and how I wish I had time to write that instead of continually working on renovations for this big blue barn.

I've often wondered what brings these dreams into the land where I walk each night. Was it the heavy fog we've been having here reminding me of the past or was it some other trigger? I know when I awoke this morning I was totally disoriented. I expected a teal green room when I opened my eyes instead of my deep wine covered walls and my wrought iron four poster.

I could almost smell his cigarettes and the left-over smell the bar left on your skin before showering and I've been in a daze ever since. I guess it's time to get my headphones on and listen to an audio book as I work.

There is one other thing that has been on my mind constantly since my return from New Orleans.

First is the struggle my friend Maggie May has been having as she battles her chemo treatments. I don't know if I'd have her strength but my heart is with her as she tries to deal with the effects of her cancer treatment.

The second is learning of the death of my wonderful friend Dr. John. It seemed when I left that he was slowly bouncing back from an illness, yet when I returned I found in the comment section that he had slipped the bonds of this earth and gone to his maker. I will miss his gentle humour and his helpful comments. It's hard to lose a friend and not be there - or even know how to get there except virtually. No more breathing treatments Dr. John - just peace.

I've also been thinking of all my friends that are struggling these days - The Green Stone Woman, Deborah, Alice, Ana, Crystal Jigsaw, Polergirl, Addy, Saz, Ann- so many that I go from thinking of one to the other. I've experienced some of the struggles my friends are having and I wish I could reach out and give them my hand and say it will be okay. There are so many people who are struggling lately - is it that time of the year or the stress of living in this day and age?

So here's my thoughts for today. I will post a bit about New Orleans later.